Category Archives: Family Law

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Your ex has moved on. What next?

Going through a divorce in Louisiana is difficult enough, but when your ex starts dating someone new, it can feel like…

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Why you need to get along with your child’s other parent

In the state of Louisiana, both parents are generally allowed to have access to their children after a divorce. Therefore, it’s…

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What determines visitation?

Going through a divorce with children is hard enough. During the divorce, you have hundreds of questions to answer. The last…

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Why children fare best when they know their fathers

Once you and your child’s mother go your separate ways, you may not see your son or daughter as often as…

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Do you know how to create a stronger bond with your child?

Divorced fathers often have to struggle twice as hard for their rights when it comes to earning custody of their kids.…

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What happens to retirement savings during property division?

Saving for retirement is no small feat. Many couples in Louisiana try to start saving as early on in their marriages…

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Are prenuptial agreements always enforceable?

Creating a prenuptial agreement is a smart way to protect personal property while also laying a foundation for open and honest…

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Tackling the family business during property division

Owning and operating a business with a spouse can be a great way to spend time together while also establishing a…

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Property division and hidden assets

A fundamental aspect of divorce is the process by which couples divide up their marital property. In Louisiana, property division should…

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Don’t forget about debt during property division

From secrets to favorite activities to physical property, married couples tend to share most of their lives with another. Untangling these…

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