Monthly Archives: August 2018

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Angelina Jolie goes after Brad Pitt for child support

Movie fans often idolize celebrity actors and actresses, but they do not have all the answers to life’s big issues. Most…

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It’s not all about child support — plan for college too

Louisiana parents are often hyper-focused on their children during divorce. From figuring out child support to creating the best possible custody…

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Being a father and a co-parent isn’t always easy

Even though the concept of what makes a family has changed in recent years, it seems as though people still tend…

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Is divorce mediation right for you?

Ending a marriage is just as much an emotional process as a legal one. However, the image that popular movies and…

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Prenups can protect against student loans in property division

Money issues are one of the top causes of stress for the average couple in Louisiana. While financial troubles can cover…

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