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Angelina Jolie goes after Brad Pitt for child support

Movie fans often idolize celebrity actors and actresses, but they do not have all the answers to life’s big issues. Most still struggle with the same issues that people in Louisiana face, even if on a slightly larger scale. Tension over child support, custody and asset division are still common features of celebrity divorces.

Angelina Jolie split from her husband Brad Pitt back in Sept. 2016. Since then, Jolie has apparently been the primary caregiver for the couple’s six children, and she claims Pitt has not paid anything in child support. She recently took this claim to court, pointing out that she has shouldered the financial burden of child rearing for the past two years.

Pitt denies these allegations and insists he has paid support to the tune of over $9 million. He cites about $1.3 million in bills he paid as well as around $8 million to help his ex purchase a new home. Jolie says she had no choice but to seek new housing since Pitt kept the marital home, and that none of his cited payments count as child support since he actually loaned her the money. She is now repaying those loans with interest according to a payment plan the couple worked out together.

Court-ordered child support is essential for ensuring the financial security of children whose parents have divorced or were never married. Louisiana parents do not even have to wait until their divorce is finalized and can establish a support agreement in the interim. Doing so protects everyone involved and ensures that there is legal recourse if one parent suddenly stops paying.

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