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Do you know how to create a stronger bond with your child?

Divorced fathers often have to struggle twice as hard for their rights when it comes to earning custody of their kids. Showing that they have a solid bond with their children and have their interests in mind is sure to help when it is time to go to a Louisiana courtroom.

Some fathers have an easier time than others when it comes to forging a connection with their kids. Those who struggle or feel that they fall short may need a bit of insight and guidance.

Pay attention to each child’s emotional communication style

Fathers must take cues from their kids when it comes to connecting with them. While it can be hard to understand why certain things bother their children more than others, parents should seek understanding rather than question why something upsets their son or daughter. Wording questions the right way from a nuanced perspective helps a child feel understood, which goes a long way in making her or him feel close to Dad.

Make the kids the true priority

When divorced fathers have custody of their kids, they should make the children their top priority. This means being not only physically present but mentally present, too. However, fathers should not feel that they have to take their kids on a glorious adventure or do anything extravagant. Simply riding bikes together or watching a movie can be more than enough for children.

Engage with children physically

Humans are naturally wired to get a lot out of physical touch. One easy way for fathers to improve their bond with their kids is to give them hugs, tickles, high-fives and kisses on the cheek or forehead. As with paying attention to a child’s emotional communication style, fathers also need to tune into their kids’ physical communication style. That means paying close attention to the types of contact that particular kids like and which they pull away from.

Divorced fathers wanting more time with their kids must make sure that their kids want to spend more time with them. Creating a deep bond helps show judges that spending more time with Dad is in the interests of the child.

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