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Domestic abuse addressed among political staffers

Workplaces across the country are developing standards and protocol to deal with domestic violence and other issues. The White House is among these workplaces, as the chief of staff reportedly sent a memo addressing abuse allegations against a former staffer. Workplaces throughout the country, including those in Louisiana, often have to react to these kinds of issues both at work, in the public sphere and occasionally in the legal arena.

In an email sent to political staffers, the issue of domestic abuse in general and the workplace policy toward it was clarified. The chief of staff advised staffers that the workplace takes matters of domestic violence seriously and that any kind of violence against another person is not tolerated. Like many workplaces in Louisiana and across the United States, staffers were advised of resources their workplace provided to help them should they be facing challenges at home.

The move comes after allegations of domestic abuse against a former staffer were raised by his two ex-wives. A source familiar with the matter said that one of the White House counselors was alerted to the fact that these allegations would be made public, but it is unclear what he did with the information. Like many other workplaces, they publicly fielded questions along with taking these internal steps.

Allegations of abuse can be challenging on both sides. It can also cause impacts at work, as demonstrated by the current events in Washington. Those who are experiencing domestic violence or facing allegations of such behavior in Louisiana should contact a lawyer familiar with family law in the state.

Source: CNN, “John Kelly sends staff email condemning domestic abuse“, Kaitlan Collins, Pamela Brown and Jim Acosta, Feb. 8. 2018

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