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Which parent serves the best interests of the child?

On Behalf of | Jan 24, 2018 | Firm News |

Louisiana courts ask that question often in child custody cases. Even though courts tend to favor shared custody more often these days, when it appears that option will not serve the best interests of the child, the court will work to determine who the primary custodial parent becomes. If you and the other parent fall into this category, and you are seeking sole custody of your child, you may find yourself having to prove you are worthy of the role.

This may seem insulting at first, but when you consider the fact that the court only wants to ensure the physical and mental well-being of your child, it becomes harder to argue with the logic. In order to show that you are the better parent, you need to illustrate to the court that you provide the majority of the physical and day-to-day care for your child. Do you handle the majority of your child’s daily care? Are you the one who takes your child to school, doctor’s appointments and extracurricular activities?

That is only half of the picture, however. You also need to show that you provide for your child’s mental and emotional well-being, which includes making sure that your child has sufficient time with the other parent. The court needs to know that you support and encourage the other parent to spend time with your child. This shows that you understand the other parent’s value to your child’s life.

You may believe that you meet these qualifications, but you still need to show a Louisiana court. If the court sees that you being the custodial parent serves the best interests of the child, you may leave the courtroom with the result you seek. You may want to consider joining forces with a family law attorney who can help you gather the appropriate evidence and present it to the court.

Source:, “How to Win Child Custody,” Debrina Washington, accessed Jan. 13, 2018
