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Tips for cutting the cost of a divorce in Louisiana

Many couples in Lafayette and elsewhere across Louisiana are tired of feeling unfulfilled in their marriage. An individual may know that he or she no longer wishes to be married to their spouse, but the individual may fear that the expenses associated with a divorce are too costly. With proper planning, ending a marriage should not be an unreasonable expense.

There are a few things that will save on time, cost and stress when ending a marriage in Louisiana:

  • Know where to invest your money
  • Think in a cost-effective mindset
  • Pick your battles

One of the most important avenues for saving expenses is intelligently spending money. Trying to save expenses by skipping on professional help is not wise, and can end up hurting an individual in the long-run. An experienced family law attorney and an accountant are two important professionals that are invaluable during the divorce process.

Use these professionals in the most cost-effective manner. Litigation can be expensive, but mediating issues, and then having a family law attorney review agreements can avoid court costs and settle many issues in a shorter span of time. Further, having an accountant analyze a tax return can save money.

Also utilize this accountant to look at the big financial picture. An accountant can ensure that financial valuations are weighed in the 50-50 split of property. When it comes to divvying up smaller value items, wasting energy endlessly fighting can quickly drain funds. Pick your battles.

Divorce can be difficult and emotionally exhausting, but it does not have to be financially exhausting. Leveraging skilled professionals will help facilitate the process in a cost-effect and efficient manner so that a new, happier life can begin.

Source: Fox Business, “How to Make Your Divorce Cheaper,” Andrea Murad, May 16, 2013

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