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What consequences could I face for violating child custody?

The bond between parent and child is one that is recognized by society, and thus the courts, as almost sacrosanct. But that does not mean that those relationships are inviolable. Anyone who has had to deal with child custody issues in Louisiana will appreciate that the rule that guides such matters is the best interests of the child. And sometimes that means that one parent gets preference of custody over another.

In a previous post (see our entry of July 30); we sought to highlight how changes of life circumstances can lead to the possible need for changes in custody arrangements. The courts are not unmindful of these realities, but because they have the obligation to watch out for the interests of children in custody disputes, such changes can’t be made without going through the proper channels for a legal modification. And an attorney’s help is always recommended.

This can be a significant challenge for some parents to deal with. If they feel life is taking them in a certain direction and their relationship with their child might suffer as a result, they could be driven to take actions that they think are needed, but which the law deems illegal. And the consequences may be far more than might have been expected.

This may be something that a young woman from Tennessee is coming to appreciate. She was reportedly arrested earlier this month in Sabine Parish, Louisiana. According to authorities she was picked up on a warrant for kidnapping. She allegedly had abducted her 9-month-old infant from the child’s father — who has legal custody.

Details about this case of alleged interstate abduction aren’t clear from what is in the news report. What we do know is that the investigation is said to be ongoing and that additional charges could be brought against the young woman.

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