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To divorce or to not divorce, that is the question

January is traditionally a busy month for divorce attorneys. For a variety of reasons, individuals often choose to divorce after the holiday season has passed and the symbolic nature of the new year has taken hold. However, not all couples know for sure that they want their union to end as soon as the clock strikes midnight on January 1. Deciding whether or not to divorce is a deeply personal and often uniquely difficult decision.

How do you know whether or not divorce is the right choice for you and your family? Attorneys are experts in family law, but even they cannot tell you whether divorce is the healthiest choice for you. While only you can ultimately know what is best for you, there are some signs that you can evaluate personally that may help you come to a sound determination either way.

First, simply because you are wearing a ring does not mean that your spouse sees his or her future with you clearly or as a priority. Even if you can see your spouse clearly in your future, if your spouse does not value your presence in his or hers, it may be time to rethink your union.

Second, if your spouse has become far less attentive, is far less physically and emotionally present, and has become generally distant, your union may be in trouble. You may have hit a rough patch, or it may be time to acknowledge that you no longer connect with each other.

Finally, if your spouse has become emotionally and/or physically abusive and is unwilling to seek help, please strongly consider seeking protection and filing for divorce. Leaving an abusive spouse can be exceedingly difficult but it is often absolutely necessary to do so.

Source: The Huffington Post, “7 Signs It’s Time to Say Goodbye,” Debra Rogers, Dec. 23, 2013

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