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Prenuptial agreements can make divorce less stressful

For many Louisiana couples planning a marriage, the idea of a future divorce is unthinkable. However, discussing subjects like prenuptial agreements can benefit both partners in the long run. These agreements are designed to help sort out finances and other concerns so that couples do not have to worry about them later.

One way in which prenuptial agreements can help is by protecting assets. This allows couples to ensure that assets they each entered the marriage with are retained should they divorce. They can also determine how to allocate shared assets that are gained during the course of the marriage, such as houses or property. This can be particularly beneficial for older couples who may enter the marriage with a significant amount of assets.

Another positive aspect of prenuptial agreements is that they can offer peace of mind. By sorting these matters out prior to marriage, couples will know exactly what to expect should they ever decide to get divorced. Prenuptial agreements can also be altered later on if the needs of the couple change during the marriage due to certain circumstances such as the birth of a child or a substantial financial shift.

Though the discussion may seem daunting, prenuptial agreements could benefit many Louisiana couples. Knowing what each party wants and how to handle specific divisions should a divorce occur down the road can help relieve some of the potential burden of divorce proceedings. An experienced Louisiana family law attorney could assist by explaining the details of these agreements and help determine the best outcome for a specific situation.

Source:, “Why successful couples need a prenup“, Brian P. Eagan, Accessed on March 26, 2017

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