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Mother secures $150,000 in back child support

Raising a child after divorce can be expensive. Handling expenses like school supplies, health insurance, extracurricular activities and more is often difficult when income is cut in half or otherwise less than what it used to be. This is why child support is so important for a child’s financial security, but not all parents in Louisiana take the responsibility of paying as seriously as they should.

A 74-year-old woman who lives on the West Coast recently made national headlines for securing $150,000 in back owed child support. She had originally divorced her husband back in the 1970s, and he was ordered to pay $210 per month for their then 3-year-old daughter. After a little over two years, the amount would drop to $160 per month. However, the woman says that the man moved to Canada, started a new family and never paid any of the support.

When she discovered that her ex-husband had moved back to the United States and that her state did not have a statute of limitations on overdue child support, she decided to file a motion with the court. A judge granted the woman’s request and ordered that her ex pay the original $30,000 he owed plus 10 percent interest, finally arriving on the figure of $150,000. This amount is to be paid with an initial lump sum payment and then through monthly installments.

While this woman was able to go after child support more than 50 years after her divorce, Louisiana has a statute of limitations on taking such actions. When an ex fails to make his or her monthly child support payments, it is generally a good idea to file a petition with the court in as timely a manner as possible. Individuals can ask for an enforcement of a current order or for a modification, if necessary.

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