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Does it make sense to file a termination of alimony claim?

Many Americans prefer to make a good, old-fashion “pro and con” list before making numerous kinds of life decisions. It is important to balance the benefits of an action with the potential drawbacks before making a final decision. The outcome of your decision may not be what you had hoped it might, however if you make an informed decision, you will be less likely to suffer regret in the end.

When it comes to determining whether or not to file a termination of alimony claim, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of filing this kind of suit. And even when you believe that you have made a sound decision either way, it is important to consult an experienced family law attorney before ultimately filing or dismissing this kind of action, as an attorney may have valuable insights into your particular set of circumstances.

If you are currently paying spousal support, you may be frustrated with the cost of this support and/or believe that a change in circumstances should now free you from this obligation. However, filing a termination of alimony claim can be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, filing this kind of claim is not a decision that should be approached lightly.

If your former spouse is now cohabitating with a romantic partner, has died or has remarried and you are still being billed for spousal support, you should almost certainly file a claim to have this situation remedied. However, if none of these circumstances apply and neither of you has experienced any major change in income or employment status, filing a claim may not be worth its cost.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Costs of Litigating a Termination of Alimony Claim – Is It Worth the Price?” Diane L. Danois, June 23, 2014

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