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Divorce rates go up as incomes increase

A better, stronger economy is supposed to be good for everyone. However, for some people in Louisiana, it could mean something very different — divorce. As it turns out, the divorce rate actually decreases during poor economic times and increases again once things are improving.

Financial concerns are more than just a problem during marriage; they are also a barrier to filing for divorce. When the economy is not doing so great, people who are considering divorce often look at what they think the financial outcome might be. If they are worried about money and their future financial stability, they have a higher likelihood of deciding to stay married. That changes when the economy picks back up.

In a 2018 survey from Northwestern Mutual, 41% of people reported that financial anxiety caused problems in their marriage. By that logic, anyone might reason that a stronger economy with higher incomes might alleviate that stress and lower the divorce rate. Instead, having a higher and more-secure income gives people the confidence to file for divorce. Rather than alleviating money worries and improving relationships, this improved financial status causes the divorce rate to go up during times of economic security.

Having the confidence to pursue divorce is a great feeling, but not everyone in Louisiana has that. Even when the economy is going strong, financial worries may feel like too big of a hurdle to get over. Money concerns should not prevent anyone from ending an unhappy marriage, so people who have those concerns may want to consider seeking guidance from an experienced family law attorney.

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