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Could divorce mediation be the right solution for you?

Deciding to divorce can be an emotionally-charged experience, and the idea of heading to war in the courtroom can seem necessary and even cathartic. However, what might feel satisfying in the moment might not be a good idea for in the long run. Divorce mediation can provide a better overall experience for Louisiana couples who want to get through the process without going to battle.

Mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution that gives divorcing couples the tools they need to navigate their own divorce settlements. This approach has been available to people in Louisiana for several decades, and despite its success there are still many people who are not quite sure what the process is all about. Mediation is not about getting into a room with an ex-spouse and hashing everything out one last time. Instead, an experienced mediator will guide both parties through careful and respectful negotiations.

Rather than leaving everything up to a judge, couples can figure out their own creative solutions during mediation. This means they can make sensible decisions regarding things like property division, child custody and even sensitive financial matters. Many people find this aspect of mediation quite appealing. While judges do their best to render appropriate decisions with the information at hand, divorcing couples usually understand their situations better than anyone else.

Working with an experienced mediator is part of the key to successful divorce mediation. As an impartial third-party, the mediator will help guide negotiations and work toward dissolving disagreements as they arise. It is important for Louisiana couples to feel comfortable with their mediator and confident in his or her abilities to facilitate the process. If you are still not sure if mediation is right for you or how to decide on a mediator, consider visiting our website to find out more.

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