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A temporary child custody order is a good idea for most parents

Most people hope for a quick and painless conclusion to their divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, real life is often very different. Divorces in Louisiana can and do drag on, leaving many people worried about their finances, children and more. Temporary orders are a smart option for those who need to address child custody, child support or other important issues before their divorce is finalized.

No one wants to be in a divorce that seems to take forever, but getting from the point of filing the initial paperwork to being officially divorced can take longer than most people expect. During this time, parents still need to continue parenting and providing financial support regardless of whether they live in the same household as their children. Temporary custody orders give parents the ability to put things in order as they sort out the other aspects of their divorce.

In Louisiana, temporary orders are not limited to child custody or support. Interim alimony agreements are also common as are agreements that outline who gets to use a certain vehicle or stay in the marital home. These types of temporary orders usually end when the divorce is finalized and more formal arrangements are put into place. However, they may provide good groundwork for those final agreements.

Establishing a temporary child custody order is especially important. This agreement ensures that both parents continue acting in their child’s best interests even throughout divorce proceedings. A temporary custody order can also provide a sense of stability for children who are otherwise going through a similarly difficult period.

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