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When should I get a protective order?

Dealing with a potentially dangerous and violent person can be an emotionally overwhelming for which few people in Louisiana feel prepared. It may seem as if there is little help out there, leaving you unsure of where to turn. If you have reached the point of fearing for your own safety or the safety of your children, a protective order may be the most appropriate course of action to take.

Protective orders may cover any number of situations. Some are designed to protect unmarried individuals from an ex or current partner, while others aim toward protecting those who are still married. However, the most common type of protective order prevents abusers gaining custody of your children and requires that they stay away from you and your family.

When seeking your protective order, you can also ask for a temporary restraining order to be implemented, which can provide more immediate protection. If granted, the alleged abuser will receive a notification and you will both have to appear in court at a later date, during which you can both present evidence and testimony. Afterwards, the court may choose to implement a long-term protective order. Taking this action can help ensure that you and your children are safe, and imparts protection from the following abusive behavior and more:

  • Threats against you, your children or other family members
  • Threats or abuse against a pet
  • Refusal to leave a residence he or she does not have a legal right to be in
  • Coming with a certain distance of the home, school or your workplace
  • Destroying or selling your property

Dealing with allegations of abuse is a difficult topic, especially for Louisiana victims who are seeking help. A protective order can be an incredibly helpful tool for keeping you and your children safe from the behavior of an abuser. For more information on protective orders and how they can help your unique situation, be sure to visit our website for more information.

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