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Children’s issues during divorce can go beyond child custody

Having parents break up can be stressful for a child. While sometimes a divorce is the best decision for a family, children could still struggle to adjust following parents’ decisions to split. While issues like child custody and support may seem simply legal, the emotional, psychological and social implication of co-parenting and divorce should be understood by divorcing parents in Louisiana.

Research shows that children of divorce may face particular challenges. The stress of this circumstance may make children of divorce more likely to struggle academically, display behavioral issues or even commit crimes. Additionally, the financial implications of divorce can make these children more likely to struggle with poverty.

Parents divorcing can be a highly emotional experience for children. They may feel sadness, confusion and even anger. If parents are in conflict, feeling torn loyalty is also a common response. It is a good idea to provide kids with a healthy outlet to express these feelings. A support group or a counselor can be particularly helpful in helping children of divorce develop coping skills.

When parents are in the midst of sorting out legal issues like child custody or child support, it is possible to lose sight of a child’s feelings and reactions. It can also be hard to know how to respond without blaming the other parent and making it worse for the child. Strengthening support systems, both legal and emotional, is a good idea for Louisiana parents in these circumstances. A counselor can help children understand what is happening around them, while a good lawyer can help ensure the divorce agreement is in the best interest of the child.

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