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Prenuptial agreements can take uncertainty out of marriage

For newly engaged couples, topics like divorce and pre-existing assets might seem like unromantic topics. Yet Louisiana couples who avoid these conversations can find themselves in the midst of family law issues in the future. Some people may think they do not have enough assets to warrant a prenuptial agreement, but these conversations are critical to the future.

Some experts say that rather than looking at a prenuptial agreement as a so-called divorce plan, they should consider the process more of an onboarding into marriage. The process can raise many important conversations regarding roles, responsibilities, finances and expectations. Having these conversations prior to marriage can contribute to a healthy union.

Couples who do not understand each others’ attitudes toward money can be in for a nasty surprise after saying “I do.” Agreements and financial disclosures limit the uncertainty couples feel at the alter. It can also protect both parties should an unexpected divorce occur. While couples hope this will not occur, preparing for the future can help limit the pain and financial loss that can come with a breakup.

In order for a prenuptial agreement to be enforceable under Louisiana law, each party must fully disclose their assets and come to a clear consensus. For this reason, it is a good idea to address these agreements early on so each side has time to review, consider and add provisions as necessary. It is also important to be sensitive and considerate when dealing with such touchy subjects. A Louisiana family lawyer can help answer any questions and draft a prenuptial agreement based on shared values and understanding.

Source:, “Getting married? Let’s talk about money“, Paul Sullivan, April 28, 2018

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