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Is one of your New Year’s resolutions an uncontested divorce?

When a new year begins, many Louisiana residents take stock of their lives. In doing so, some will determine that their marriages need to end, particularly if they had not already made that decision before the holidays, but wanted to delay so as not to mar the season for children and other family members. Now that the holidays are over, couples may be ready to take the next step, and many may be hoping for an uncontested divorce.

For Louisiana couples who share this goal, being prepared could go a long way to making it happen. Few things can stop amicable negotiations in their tracks like saying something offensive to the other party. This is why many people will recommend staying off social media during a divorce. Not only could it cause enough tension to turn a friendly divorce into a contentious one, but it could also provide the other party with leverage, even if no wrongdoing actually occurred.

Another way to prepare is to gather all of the information possible about the family finances, marital assets and marital debts as they stand before filing for divorce. If both parties know where they stand, negotiations may remain amicable. A big part of the negotiations depends on each party understanding what they each want out of the process. Keeping an eye on the big picture can help keep the process on track.

More than likely, Louisiana couples have many more questions before they take the plunge and file for divorce. With the right advice and assistance, an uncontested divorce is certainly possible. Keeping things more friendly can also save both parties time, money and more heartbreak than necessary.

Source:, “Top 5 Tips: How To Prepare For Your Divorce In The New Year,” Morghan Leia Richardson, Dec. 26, 2017

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