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There is more to domestic violence than physical abuse

October was domestic violence awareness month. Even though the month has come to a close, this column would like to touch on the different types of domestic violence that may be present in any marriage or relationship. While most people in Louisiana may tend to think that domestic violence is all about physical abuse, this simply is not the case.

There are actually five different types of abuse that are considered domestic violence: physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and financial. Both physical and sexual are pretty straightforward as to what they are. Emotional and psychological are very similar in that a victim of such abuse is left feeling of little worth and may feel that his or her life is in danger. Financial abuse is one that few people consider. With this type of abuse, the victim is totally financially dependent on his or her abuser, who will make one believe that he or she cannot move forward, as so much in this life requires access to money.

While these are all recognized forms of abuse, it is hard to obtain a protective order for anything other than physical and sexual abuse. This is just how it is. However, victims of any sort of abuse can turn to legal counsel, who can help then take the steps they need to seek protection and move on.

Domestic violence is a wide-spread problem. Yet, at the same time, it is something that often goes unreported. Those in Louisiana who are victims of such abuse, whether it is physical abuse or any of the other types mentioned above, need to know that they are not alone and that they do have options. An experienced family law attorney is a good source to turn to when one is ready to improve his or her situation.

Source: FindLaw, “Types of Domestic Violence,” Oct. 21, 2017

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