Monthly Archives: January 2017

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Going through a legal separation? Fathers’ rights still stand

Choosing to end one’s marriage is not an easy decision to make. A lot is at stake, and no one wants…

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Child custody is complicated with addiction in the family

When drug addiction invades a family, children often suffer in unimaginable ways. Many children of drug addicts end up living with…

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Changes in families brings changes in child support expectations

Louisiana courts have seen interesting changes in family law over the past few years. Some decades-old provisions that were taken for…

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Disputes may be avoided by talking about money before marriage

The holiday season often brings a feeling of romance, which turns many Louisiana couples to thoughts of engagement and marriage. Soon,…

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Will you be given a fair chance at custody as a father?

Traditionally, mothers received preference when it comes to custody of the children. Now, the courts use “the best interests” of the…

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