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What your divorced friends might tell you about divorce

When Americans reach certain life milestones, they tend to either receive books related to those milestones as gifts or they search out books related to their situations. For example, when couples opt to marry or when they find themselves expecting a child, they tend to gravitate towards the “weddings” and “parenting” sections of libraries and local book stores. This trend is both normal and healthy, as it makes perfect sense that individuals would seek counsel from authors on subjects they themselves are currently navigating.

The divorce section of bookstores and libraries tends to look very different than the wedding section and the parenting section do. While the divorce section tends to consist primarily of legal texts and books about “surviving” divorce, the wedding and parenting sections are primarily full of advice books written by cheerful experts and memoirs written by those who have experienced this life event before.

Instead of trying to navigate your divorce “alone” with the aid of legal texts, it is generally a good idea to approach the legal side of divorce with the aid of an experienced family law attorney. But what do you do when you’re looking for “friendly” advice on what to expect during the divorce process?

Although not many books have been published with this approach to divorce advice, the Internet is brimming with blog posts, articles, websites, support groups and other information of the friendly “what to expect when you’re divorcing” variety. When browsing the Internet, simply keep in mind that you do not need to take any advice too seriously. Just as you would not treat a friendly advice book or memoir as gospel, it is generally a good idea to take Internet advice with a grain of salt.

Source: The Huffington Post, “The Girlfriend’s Guide To (A Realistic) Divorce,” Jennifer Ball, May 1, 2015

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