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The wisdom that the divorce process may inspire

If you are weathering the challenges of the divorce process, you may understandably have trouble viewing the glass as half-full. Negotiating or litigating a divorce settlement and/or child custody matters can be a draining experience. In addition, you may be experiencing financial challenges related to splitting up your household. Finally, you are likely experiencing a host of challenging emotions related to your divorce.

It can be difficult to take comfort in the knowledge that your divorce process may make you wiser if you allow it to do so. However, it is important to remind yourself of this note with relative frequency. Viewing the divorce process as a transition from one phase of life to another and as an experience to be learned from can help you to restore any optimism that you may have lost.

If you can learn from the challenges that your divorce is inspiring, you can emerge from the process stronger, more self-aware and ultimately wiser than you were when the process began. You can reflect on the lessons that you have learned about relationships, finances, property and other matters in ways that will make your future brighter, healthier and fuller.

If you fail to learn from your marriage and divorce, you may not only risk making the same missteps again, you will risk missing out on a future informed and strengthened by past experiences. Divorce can be a challenging experience to process. But the efforts you make now will likely pay significant dividends in the future if you allow them to do so.

Source: The Huffington Post, “5 Things I Didn’t Know About Marriage Until I Got Divorced,” Laura Parrott-Perry, April 20, 2015

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