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Worried about your child post-divorce? Consider this – Part II

In our last post, we began a discussion about addressing your child’s emotional aches and pains during divorce and in the aftermath of the divorce process. You know your child best. And as a result, you likely know his or her limits better than anyone. But even parents can become stumped occasionally by the challenges of divorce-related angst.

If you are doing your absolute best to advance your child’s best interests, do not fret too terribly. Chances are that the major shift in your family’s dynamic is affecting your child in ways that will be resolved as time moves forward. There are things that you can do to aid your child during this period of time. Although if these tips and tricks do not seem to be resolving your child’s challenges effectively enough for you, please do not hesitate to speak to your pediatrician and your attorney about your child custody situation.

It is important for children to have consistency in their lives in the wake of divorce. You can only control what occurs under your roof. But you can make your home as stable and consistent as possible. Consistency can help children feel safe. And when they feel safe, they will be more likely to express their feelings and allow you to help them process those feelings.

In addition, it is important for you to remember that no matter what age your child or children are, they count on you to be a stable, healthy adult. There is absolutely nothing wrong with losing control once in awhile during your divorce, provided that you do not do so in front of your children and that you do so in a healthy way. If you are struggling to maintain your identity as a strong, stable, healthy adult in front of your kids, do not hesitate to take advantage of any resource you can until you can reassume that identity.

Source: The Huffington Post, “The 18 Best Things You Can Do For Your Kids After Divorce,” Brittany Wong, Feb. 17, 2015

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