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Navigating the holidays during and post-divorce

When life becomes particularly challenging, it can be difficult to find joy in the experiences you had once cherished. For example, if you are currently going through a divorce or have recently finalized one, you may be finding it difficult to enjoy the holiday season. Even though you once took pleasure in navigating the chaos of the holidays, you may find yourself now wishing that you could curl up in bed and binge-watch television instead of pasting on a smile and making appearances at holiday celebrations.

It is completely normal to have this kind of reaction to the holiday season during a tumultuous life transition. However, there is something you can do to better ensure that next year’s holiday season is genuinely brighter than this year’s may be. Now that you are transitioning from married life to single life, you can begin to embrace the holiday season on your own terms.

What have you always wanted to do that you felt like you couldn’t do when you were married to your spouse? Travel? Throw parties? Have a quiet celebration at home? As you make your way through this season’s celebrations, start thinking about how you can edit your approach to the season next year in order to make it something you can look forward to. Plan a trip, plan a party, resolve to stay at home and do things your way.

Your loved ones may not initially understand your altered approach to the season, but there is no time like the present to start your own traditions and to find a way to be happier and healthier in the coming year.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Surviving the Holidays After Divorce,” Barbara McNally, Dec. 16, 2014

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