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Divorcing? Don’t hit your emotional off-switch, please

You and your spouse have decided to divorce. Are you overwhelmed by your emotions? Chances are that you are indeed overwhelmed. But because the world does not stop when you decide to divorce, you are likely stuffing your emotions down as best you can in order to keep getting to work on time, keep getting the kids off to school and keep yourself fed, watered and entertained.

We frequently write about how important it is that you keep your negative emotions from impacting your divorce process for the worse. If you allow your negative emotions to impact the ways in which you approach property division or child custody disputes, you could end up with far less than you deserve. However, it is also important that you don’t stuff your emotion in favor of barreling through the process without thinking about how sad, angry, confused or frustrated you feel.

One of the major benefits of hiring an experienced divorce attorney is that he or she can help you navigate the paperwork involved in the divorce process and can handle many of the complex logistical hurdles that pave the way to a finalized divorce settlement. It is vitally important that you take stock of your financial situation and that you remain informed about your case as it moves forward. However, enlisting the aid of an experienced attorney can allow you the peace of mind that someone is advocating on your behalf and that you can afford to take some time to grieve in healthy ways before the process has been finalized.

Source: The Huffington Post, “The One Thing Marriage and Divorce Should Share,” Michelle Crosby, Aug. 19, 2014

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